Eilandsbesluit, houdende algemene maatregelen regelende het vaststellen van het Nationale Volkslied aangeduidt als "Golden Rock song" (St. Eustatius National Anthem.)

Geldend van 10-10-2010 t/m heden


Eilandsbesluit, houdende algemene maatregelen regelende het vaststellen van het Nationale Volkslied aangeduidt als "Golden Rock song" (St. Eustatius National Anthem.)

The National Anthem of St. Eustatius The Golden Rock

Between the ddep blue ocean,

Ande the Caribbean Sea,

Where the waves are in motion

Lies a Pearl so dear to me,

From Quill to Little Mountain

From Venus to White Wall,

Long ago a Golden Fountain

Once a diamond waterfall.

Golden Rock, I’ll always miss you,

When I am far from thee,

Never, never I’ll forget you

Where-so-ever I may be.

Statia’s past, you are admired,

though Rodney fill his bag,

The First salute were fired o

The American Flag,

The freedom of a nation,

Promoted by our Fort,

American and Statian,

Both praise for i tour Lord.

Among th ruined houses,

Of low and upper town,

There a lofty feeling rouses,

Which never can break down,

Its faithfulness forever,

As ever it has been,

May God forsake us never,

And save Governor and Queen.